abbreviations: M-x meta key (escape key) + key C-x cntl key + key terminology: key binding - key used to invoke a function Emacs is programmable, so the key bindings below are just defaults point - current location of cursor how to start & stop: emacs filename emacs -nw filename if you need it to avoid invoking XWindows C-x C-s save & continue C-x C-c exit, w/ prompt for save C-g cancel a cmd (may need twice in some circumstances) arrow keys & labeled keys (pageup, etc.) shd all work if they don't, set your options so you might not need: M-< top of document M-> bottom of document C-a left edge of line C-e right edge of line you certainly don't need: C-f forward one char C-b back one char but these are useful: C-d delete char under cursor backspace deletes char before cursor if this gives you help, need to update something M-f forward one word M-b back one word M-d delete word C-k delete to end of line C-k deletes line if it is empty C-k C-k so this deletes a non-empty line C-x u undo C-8 repeat 8 times e.g. C-8 C-k delete next 4 lines C-s xyz incremental search for xyz, forward from point to eof C-s repeat search (need C-s C-s if intervening cmds C-r xyz incremental search for xyz, backwards from point to beginning to search special chars: C-q to quote a char C-q C-j eol char C-@ set mark (use C-shift-space on some machines) C-w delete from mark to point into the buffer ("wipe") C-y paste buffer ("yank back") M-w copy into buffer instead of deleting note: C-k also updates the buffer (different from Word) M-x issue a cmd that doesn't have a key binding M-x replace-string replace all from point to eof M-x query-replace ... asks for each one M-x insert-file merge in contents of file /~/filename to get correct dir & filename M-\ delete spaces from point until next non-blank char esp. useful at beginning of line M-q reflow from point until end of para (blank line) useful in writing doc