Hi-- I'm looking at the exam right now to make sure all the topics are covered, and a few typos have popped out that I didn't see before: 1. There is no line for your name. Put your name on it anyhow, unless you want your friend to get credit for the exam! 2. In one problem, I wrote 'binary search tree' the first time, then shortened it to 'binary tree' after that. As I think the problem makes clear, I mean 'binary search tree' every time it's mentioned. 3. In one problem I wrote: const my_array [], const array_size, const int & my_item Since that won't compile, it's clear from the rest of the code that it should say: const int my_array [], const int array_size, const int & item Again, there are no deliberate typos. 4. I didn't specify max heap or min heap. You can use either. -- In addition to the 3 sorts that I sent you yesterday, here are the other topics on the exam: - binary search trees - definition, how to build one, search it, etc. - heaps - definition, how to build one, search it, etc. (as in HW6) - hash tables - definition, how to build one, search it, etc. for overflow chaining (as in HW5), linear probing, quadratic probing - algorithm analysis - how fast do these algorithms run: linear search, binary search, quicksort (average case), heapsort, selection sort, insertion sort, bubble sort, has table lookup, expressed as O(N). What do these terms mean: O(1), O(lg n), O(n), O(n lg n), O(n**2)? All of these topics were covered in class. The material you need is also available in the 340 online notes, or any online site of your choice. RF