
A heap or max heap is a binary tree that satisifies the following properties:

  1. it is complete

  2. the data item stored in each node is greater than or equal to the data items stored in its children (this is known as the heap-order property)

A min heap is a binary tree that satisifies the following properties:

  1. it is complete

  2. the data item stored in each node is less than the data items stored in its children

Heaps are typically stored in arrays or vectors when they are implemented in a program. However, it's easier to "see" the heap properties when it's drawn as a tree.)



Basic Heap Operations

Basic Calculations

Assuming that values are stored starting at subscript 1, then

Heapifying a complete binary tree

Starting with the last node that is not a leaf node, compare it with its left and right children. Interchange the node with the larger of its two children. Continue this process with the node until it becomes a leaf node or until the heap property is restored. This is known as the percolate down process.

Move to the preceding node that is not a leaf and repeat the percolate down process. Continue this process until the root is reached.

There are two basic operations that can be performed on a heap:

  1. Inserting an item into a heap

  2. Finding and removing the maximum item from the heap

Conceptually, both operations are fairly simple. But as with AVL trees, either of the operations can cause the heap properties to be violated. The nice thing about a heap? It's much easier to fix the violations!

Inserting into a max heap

Step 1: Insert the node in the first available level order position.

Step 2: Compare the newly inserted node with its parent. If the newly inserted node is larger, swap it with its parent.

Step 3: Continue step 2 until the heap order property is restored.

Steps 2 and 3 are known as the percolate up process.

Deleting from a max heap

Step 1: Find the maximum node.

Step 2: Replace the maximum node with the last leaf node in level order.

Step 3: Compare the replacement against its children. If one of the children is larger, swap the replacement with the largest child.

Step 4: Repeat step 3 until the heap order property is restored.

Does this process seem familiar?


percolate down pseudocode

perc_down(r, n)
  r = subscript of the root of subtree where the process will begin
  c = subscript of the left child
  n = number of elements in the entire array
  c = 2 * r   // add + 1 if the heap is stored using 0 based subscripts
  while (c < n)
    if (c < n-1 AND array[c] < array[c+1])
      increment c by 1
    if array[r] < array[c]
      swap array[r] and array[c]
      r = c
      c = 2 * c
      break out of loop
    increment c by 1

percolate up pseudocode

perc_up(h, size)
  h = subscript of where the item will be inserted
  size = size of the heap BEFORE inserting

  increase size by 1
  set h = size  
  while ( h > 1 AND insertionItem > array[h/2] )
    array[h] = array[h/2]
    h = h / 2
  array[h] = insertItem

heapify pseudocode

r = subscript of the root of subtree where the process will begin
n = number of elements in the entire array

r = (n / 2)    // add - 1 if the heap is stored using 0 based subscripts

while (r >= 0)
  perc_down(r, n)
  decrement r by 1

Heap Sort

The heap sort first heapifies the list of numbers. The element at the beginning of the list is then swapped with the element at the end of the list. The list is made 1 element shorter. The new list is heapified. The element at the beginning is swapped with the element at the end. The list is made 1 element shorter. The process continues until the entire list is sorted.

heap sort pseudocode

heapify the array

i = n - 1
while (i > 0)
  swap array[0] and array[i]
  perc_down(0, i)
  decrement i by 1