// Order of sections of a program // *** THIS IS Lang.h #ifndef LANG_H #define LANG_H using namespace std; class Lang { // data items and prototypes for class Lang go here }; #endif // ------------------------------------ // *** THIS IS Lang.cpp using namespace std; #include #include "Lang.h" // functions for class Lang go here // ------------------------------------ // *** THIS IS List.h #ifndef LIST_H #define LIST_H using namespace std; #include "Lang.h" #include class List { ... } // ------------------------------------ // *** THIS IS List.cpp #include #include "Lang.h" #include "List.h" // functions for class List // ------------------------------------ // *** THIS IS assign7.cpp #include "List.h" #include #include // alternate approach to "using namespace std" using std::cout; // etc. // named constants const int OK = 0; // non-class function prototypes void Usage(char * argv[]); // main pgm int main() { // ... return OK; } // --------------------------------------------- // HERE IS THE MAKEFILE hw7.exe: assign7.o Lang.o List.o g++ -Wall -o hw7.exe assign7.o Lang.o List.o assign7.o: assign7.cpp g++ -Wall -c assign7.cpp Lang.o: Lang.h Lang.cpp g++ -Wall -c Lang.cpp List.o: List.h List.cpp g++ -Wall -c List.cpp