C++ string class

A standardized string object that can be used in place of character arrays

Multiple Declaration Formats:

string str;

  - This invokes the default constructor and makes str an empty string

string str (s);

  - This creates and initializes str to contain a copy of s
  - s may be a string or char array

string str (charAr, n);

  - This creates and initializes str to contain a copy of the 1st
    n characters of charAr

Reading a string object

getline(cin, str)

  - This extracts characters from cin and stores them in str until:
      -- Newline character is found
      -- End of file is reached

getline(cin, str, delimiter)

  - This extracts characters from cin and stores them in str until:
      -- The delimiter is found (not stored in str)
      -- End of file is reached

cin >> str

  - This extracts characters from cin and stores them in str until:
      -- Whitespace is found
      -- End of file is reached

Printing a string

cout << str

  - This inserts characters from str into cout


Assignment Operator Format:         str = value;

  - Assigns a copy of value to str
      -- value may be a string, char array, char
+ Operator Format:                  str + value   or   value + str

  - returns the result of concatenating str and value
      -- value may be a string, char array, char

+= Operator Format:                 str += value;

  - Appends a copy of value to str
      -- value may be a string, char array, char

Subscript Notation Format:          str[p]

  - returns a reference to the character stored in str at position p

Relational Operators

str < s

  - returns true if str is alphabetically less than s
  - returns false if str is alphabetically greater than or equal to s
  - s may be a string or char array

str <= s

  - returns true if str is alphabetically less than or equal to s
  - returns false if str is alphabetically greater than s
  - s may be a string or char array

str > s

  - returns true if str is alphabetically greater than s
  - returns false if str is alphabetically less than or equal to s
  - s may be a string or char array

str >= s

  - returns true if str is alphabetically greater than or equal to s
  - returns false if str is alphabetically less than s
  - s may be a string or char array

str == s

  - returns true if str is equal to s
  - returns false if str is not equal to s
  - s may be a string or char array

str != s

  - returns true if str is not equal to s
  - returns false if str is equal to s
  - s may be a string or char array

Useful methods

string class counterpart to strcpy:


    - copies s into str
    - s may be a string or char array

string class counterparts to strncpy:

  str.assign(s, p, n)

    - copies n characters from s into str, starting at position p
    - s is a string

  str.assign(charAr, n)

    - copies n characters from charAr into str
    - charAr is a char array

string class counterpart to strcat:


    - Appends a copy of s onto str
    - s may be a string or char array

string class counterpart to strncat:

  str.append(s, p, n)

    - appends n characters from s onto str, starting at position p
    - s is a string

  str.append(charAr, n)

    - appends n characters from charAr onto str
    - charAr is a char array

string class counterpart to strcmp:


    - compares str to s
    - returns: 0               if  str is equal to s
               negative value  if  str < s
               positive value  if  str > s

    - s is a string or char array

string class counterpart to strchr and strstr:


    - returns position (subscript) of the first occurrence of s in str
    - s is a string, char array, or char

string class counterpart to strlen:

  str.length()    or    str.size()

    - returns the length of str

Other methods


  - converts the string object str to a null terminated char array
  - returns: const char *

str.substr(p, n)

  - returns a copy of a sub-string n characters long, starting at
    position p